
RWS Stammtisch RSVP

  1. Willkommen!
  2. Let us know if you can join us for our first Stammtisch!


    Venue: Hophaus Bar, Shop MR5, Mid Level,Southgate Restaurant & Shopping Precinct, Southbank

    Date/Time: from 6pm on Thursday 18 April 2024

    Cost: we provide the snacks, you buy your own drinks


    Please do respond to the mini-survey below so that we have a sense of number of attendees.


    Looking forward to seeing you there!


    Public Transport

    Set on Level 1 of the Southgate’s Restaurant and Shopping Precinct, it’s an easy walk from the CBD, Federation Square or Crown Casino. Flinders Street is only a 4 minute walk from Hophaus, follow the bridge over the River, turn left and you’re there. There are numerous trams and bus routes which drop near to both Southbank and St Kilda Road.

    By car

    There are a number of options for parking your car near Hophaus. Paid car parking is available underneath the Eureka Tower in the Wilson Car Park, cnr City Road and Southgate Avenue. Another Wilson Car Park is located off Southgate Ave just under the Southgate Restaurant & Shopping Precinct. There are many other car parks around the area including Crown and metered parks on City Road.

  4. Will you be attending our first Stammtisch on 18 April?